See the essence of the matter
True Color x-ray Photon counting with HR GaAs:Cr

Non-destructively investigate the structure and chemical composition of a specimen, being organic or inorganic
With a low dose of penetrating (ionizing) radiation
Withing a reasonable time
With micrometers of spatial resolution
Resolving all elements of the Periodic Table and compositions

Non-destructively investigate the structure and chemical composition of a specimen, being organic or inorganic
With a low dose of penetrating (ionizing) radiation
Withing a reasonable time
With micrometers of spatial resolution
Resolving all elements of the Periodic Table and compositions

Low dose spectral mammography
Spectral photon-counting CT for clinics
Transmission x-ray diamond screening
Non-invasive and non-destructive inspection systems
Multiphase flow measurements (MPFM)
Direct electron detection for Transmitting Electron Microscopy
Sensors for Scanning Tunneling Microscopy
Beta particles detection for Electron Microscopy